Tuesday, June 19, 2012

My First Earthquake

Buenos Dias!

It's only been a week since I've been here, but already it feels as if it's been a lot longer than that. I've gotten to know the family really well, and they are all so very sweet, but I've been a little homesick lately. It's difficult being here without any other Americans or young people my age, and my mind is just exhausted from thinking, speaking, and listening to Spanish all the time--but I know that it's good for me, because it's the only way I'm going to learn! By far the most exciting thing that has happened to me was the small earthquake that we had yesterday! Coming from Georgia, I have no prior experience in a situation like that, and it scared me so much! We were just at the table eating breakfast, when suddenly it sounded like a train was about to pass right through the house, so we all ran outside...thankfully, no one was hurt and there was very little damage, but now I jump at the slightest movement!!!

Other than that, I've been working at the church in the mornings, helping the volunteers prepare materials for the kids' program and Sunday school classes, and in the afternoons I've been working at an orphanage called "Vida" (Life), which is an orphanage for disabled kids. It's been so great to play with them (we flew kites yesterday!), and just to help them, if even for a moment, feel like normal kids. All of them were picked up from the streets, often found in dumpsters or just alone on the side of the road, and the directors of the orphanage have dedicated their lives to serving them and providing for them. It's hard work-I do not know how the directors do it every day!- but it's beautiful to see their joy and love for one another.

There's an American work team coming from Dallas on Saturday, so I will be working as their interpreter for the week; we will be doing various service projects around the city of Ambato and surrounding pueblos (or "towns") and orphanages, so I'm really, really excited to spend time with them! I've never been more excited to see Americans in my whole life! I'm never going to take English for granted again....

Other than that, I've been a little homesick this past week. (Of course, when I  told this to the woman with whom I'm living, she made me pancakes this morning to make me feel better, which made my day!) But, it's a lot to absorb and assimilate to, and it makes it harder being here alone. However, I'm finding a lot of comfort in the Lord, as well as in the knowledge that He's growing me and molding my heart and teaching me to trust Him, and I've found a lot of freedom in that Truth. I would love your prayers for courage, patience, peace, and TRUST in all that the Lord is doing here, even if I can't clearly see it. 

Thank you for all your prayers and support :)

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