Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Hola :)

I made it here safely last night--the family picked met me at the airport with a sign that said "Grace Estevens," so I just assumed they meant me haha, and then they drove me 2 hours south to Ambato. Flying in through the mountains was really incredible-they're the biggest mountains I've ever seen in my life! The family that I'm living with is so sweet and generous: I'm living with a young woman and her mother and grandmother, but her brothers and nieces and nephews are here so much that I feel as if I live with them too! There's a nine month old little girl named Naomi, a 5-day old baby (who is yet unnamed), and a 7 year-old boy, Danielito, who has taught me to play both tops and soccer (or "futbol"), constantly reminding me how awful I am at each one (hagas muy MALO!!) and ensuring me that very few of my soccer goals actually counted, but he's really really cute and sweet and has been my constant playmate for the day! Today was basically a resting day; we drove around town a little bit and I got to see the church where I will be working. Other than that we've been in the house all day eating, resting, and "just being," which I believe all Latin Americans are really good at, but will take me some getting used to! But the city is in an Andean valley, surrounded by huge mountains, I can see two volcanoes on either side of me, one of which errupts ash every now and again high up in the air which is really cool looking...apparently it's been errupting on and off for the past two years). The weather is REALLY cold in the mornings and nights, but warm during the day and really really bright--I guess it's just from being on the equator, but I can't go outside without my sunglasses on, and the 10 minutes I was outside today I somehow managed to get sunburned already!

Anyways, that's about all that has happened so far in the day that I've been here! The people are all so sweet; they're soft-spoken, very clear and very polite (rather different from Dominicans-I can actually understand them haha!). There's NO english spoken at all, so I'm hoping beyond hope that my Spanish is going to improve ALOT while I'm here (even the one woman who speaks English won't allow me to haha). I feel as if it's improved already, just hearing it constantly I kind of forget that they're not speaking English. But there's an american group comin on the 24th, and another on the 30, to work here in town, and I was told I will be working as their translator, so I'm really excited about hanging out with them! I miss you guys so much already, and you have no idea how thankful I am for all of your prayers and support--I would never be able to be here without it.

"Just as you received Christ Jesus, continue to live in Him, rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in faith...and OVERFLOWING IN THANKFULNESs" Colossians 2:6--I'm so thankful for you all :)


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