Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Pico Escondido, Vida Joven Camp 2011
Working in the Dominican Republic

One of the most precious little girls I've ever met!
             Last summer, thanks to the support of many gracious donors, I had the incredible opportunity of serving at the Young Life (or Vida Joven) camp in the Dominican Republic. It was an unforgettable adventure- I learned and grew so much, and I discovered my passion and heart for Spanish ministry. I was even able to return to the DR for two weeks over Christmas break and visit all of my friends; the Young Life camp is progressing at an amazing rate: they opened two new cabins and will be ready to hold hundreds of campers this summer, where Dominican kids will learn about Christ's love in an amazing environment! The financial gifts and prayers that I received are continuing to change hearts and lives of teenagers who live in the most difficult and impoverished conditions, and I cannot express the full extent of my gratitude. My trip last summer transformed my heart and helped increase my love for Latin America and for the people that live there, and this summer, I have the chance to serve once again in a Spanish-speaking country.
            Last year, while eating at Barberitos in Athens, I had a chance encounter with a couple who work for Church of God World Missions in Ambato, Ecuador. I kept in contact with them throughout the year, and it just so happened that their local church pastor is currently having trouble getting youth and young students involved in church activities. The kids in the country are extremely disillusioned by the rigidity of formality that they associate with “religion,” and the pastor of the church was looking for someone to help start a youth program at the Protestant church. After describing my experience with Young Life (especially my experience in the Dominican Republic), they offered me an internship for the summer to work with kids (ranging from ages 4-14) in the local neighborhoods and orphanages, serving them in every way possible, and helping to develop the church’s program for kids and activities for local youth. Half of the Ecuadorian population in Ambato is under 20 years old; they are the future, and most are poor and uneducated, and I’ve been given an awesome opportunity to serve them.
            I will be living with a local family in Ambato for two months, and this position in the church as youth administrator is completely new: they created the position specifically for me! I was told I will be “flying at the seat of my pants,” working with the Ecuadorian youth in local neighborhoods and orphanages, helping establish a program for them at the local church, and sharing the Word with them. I’m a little nervous, I must say, as I am traveling alone and will have no opportunity to speak English at all (yikes!), but I’m so incredibly excited about this new adventure and the responsibility it entails. I feel that my trip last summer helped prepare me for this position, and I am anticipating that the Lord will do amazing things there. I know that I will learn more than I will be able to teach, but I’m confident God will provide awesome opportunities to share His heart. I know that I will be stretched and challenged by the unfamiliar surroundings and the difficulties of life in the developing world, yet I know that this will be one life experience I will never forget.
           I've started this blog to keep you updated on my new adventure, as I fundraise, prepare, and travel to this new and exciting place. Thank you for all of your support and prayers; please know that none of this would be possible without all of the generous people that have encouraged me and prayed for me-- I feel so blessed to share this experience with you, and I pray that you will be blessed by it, as well.
                                                                                                                        Much love,


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