Sunday, July 8, 2012


The last American group from West Virginia finally left on Friday night, and I'm looking forward to this week of rest! We did a lot of work: we worked at the orphanage in the mornings (painting, cleaning, playing with the kids, etc) and did Vacation Bible School with about 150 kids in the afternoons. Vacation Bible School was really challenging, as I had to teach all in Spanish, and it was very mentally exhausting, but all the kids were just adorable, and I enjoyed working with them. It was entertaining working with the team from West Virginia; they spoke like true hillbillies (which they admitted with absolute pride :), and I often I found it more difficult to understand THEM than the Ecuadorians ("They was goin on down to talk on that there telyphone to call they's young'uns then they's gonna warsh they's clothes and fix the commode..."). But they made me laugh a lot, and they were very gracious and willing to serve, so I was very thankful for them.

Unfortunately, I seemed to have caught some sort of bacteria, either from the food or the water, and I haven't been able to get out of bed for the past couple days or keep any food down, except some soup. I think a part of it is just exhaustion, so my immune system was weak, but I hope it passes REALLY soon! This week should be pretty restful, as a whole. I'll be going to the church in the mornings to prepare materials for Sunday school classes and Vacation Bible School (which is Aug. 6-10, and I know it will be here before I know it!), and in the afternoons I'll be going either to the orphanage or downtown to work at a shelter for the shoe shine boys. Next Wednesday I'm supposed to be headed into the jungle for the week, with all the giant spiders, snakes, aunts, and mosquitos...(I'm pumped if you can't tell haha), but I'm excited about next Saturday: there's a Spanish Christian musical group called Tercer Cielo (they're real popular throughout Latin America), and they're coming to Ambato, and I was able to buy tickets for myself, Anita, and Faviola, and they're all very excited, so I'm looking forward to that concert!

I would love your prayers for health, patience, and rest this week! Thanks so much, and happy late fourth o' July!

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